
Bagaimana caranya menghapus akun OYO?

Apa itu OYO?

OYO adalah aplikasi jaringan perhotelan yang memberikan akses tempat menginap yang murah dan bersih yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Alternatifnya adalah RedDoorz, AirBNB,, dan Traveloka.

Apakah akun OYO bisa dihapus?

Akun OYO dan data pribadi pengguna dapat dihapus permanen. Akan tetapi harus dilakukan dengan bantuan customer service.

Berdasarkan kebijakan privasinya berikut ini.

Your rights
Data protection laws in the EEA and some other countries provide individuals with rights in relation to the information that OYO holds about them on some computer and paper records. These include rights to access, correct, delete, restrict the use of, object to the use of, port to another person, and withdraw consent to the use of, your information. Exceptions may apply to these rights.

The data protection laws in the EEA and in some other countries provide individuals with the following rights:

• Right of subject access: The right to make a written request for details of personal information we hold about you and to request a copy of that personal information.

• Right to rectification: The right to have inaccurate information about you rectified.

• Right to restriction of processing: The right to request that your personal information is only used for restricted purposes.

• Right to object: The right to object to the use of personal information (including the right to object to marketing and profiling relating to direct marketing).

• Right to data portability: The right to ask for personal information you have made available to us to be transferred to you or a third party in machine-readable formats.

• Right to data portability: The right to ask for personal information you have made available to us to be transferred to you or a third party in machine-readable formats.

• Right to withdraw consent: We do not normally rely on consent as a basis for processing your personal information. We will only ask for your consent in very limited circumstances and, if we do so, will make it obvious to you when we are asking for that consent and what that is for. You have the right to withdraw any consent you have given us to handle your personal information. If you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of use of your personal information prior to the withdrawal of your consent.

These rights may not apply in all cases. If we do not comply with your request, we will explain why. In response to a request, we will ask you to verify your identity if we need to, and to provide information that helps us to understand your request better. If you would like more information about your rights or to exercise any of your rights, please contact [email protected].

Informasi akun OYO dan syarat yang dibutuhkan

  • Nama
  • Alamat email
  • Nomor HP
  • Jenis kelamin
  • Tanggal lahir
  • Alamat
  • Saldo kosong atau nol
  • Tidak ada pelanggaran
  • Alasan penutupan akun OYO

Cara menghapus akun OYO

  1. Luncurkan aplikasi email akun yang terdaftar di OYO.
  2. Isi tujuannya ke tim perlindungan data di alamat surel [email protected].
  3. Tulis permohonan pembatalan akun dan pemusnahan informasinya.
  4. Jelaskan alasan anda.
  5. Sertakan identitas pemilik akun sebagai bukti permintaan valid.
  6. Kirimkan.
  7. Anda akan dihubungi kembali untuk konfirmasi.
  8. Ikuti instruksi mereka hingga tuntas.

Seluruh data pengguna akan dihapus terkecuali hal-hal seperti riwayat booking, akan dibutuhkan retensi waktu lebih panjang sesuai hukum yang berlaku. Untuk keamanan maka akan dianonimkan.

Nama lain dari OYO

  • OYO
  • OYO Indonesia
  • OYO Rooms
  • OYO Hotels & Homes
  • Oravel Stays Private Limited


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