
Bagaimana caranya menghapus akun AMD?

Apa itu AMD?

AMD adalah perusahaan semikonduktor yang memproduksi prosesor PC dan laptop dengan tipe x86 dan kartu grafis Radeon secara global.

Terkenal karena price to performance rationya sangatlah baik dibandingkan kompetitor.

Alternatif dari AMD adalah Intel dan NVIDIA.

Apakah akun AMD bisa dihapus?

Akun AMD dan data pribadi penggunanya dapat dihapus.

Berdasarkan kebijakan privasinya berikut ini.

Your Privacy Rights

Certain jurisdictions have specific legal requirements and grant privacy rights with respect to personal information, and we will comply with restrictions and any requests you submit as required by applicable law. For example, you may have the right to review, correct, and delete personal information we have about you, or to consent or withdraw consent to certain uses or sharing of personal information. You may be able to use a Site to access and update the personal information that you have provided to us.

When you make a request, we may require that you provide information and follow procedures so that we can verify the request and your jurisdiction before responding to you. The verification steps we take may differ depending on your jurisdiction and the request. We will match the information that you provide in your request to information we already have on file to verify your identity. If we are able to verify your request, we will process it in accordance with applicable law. If we cannot verify your request, we may ask you for additional information to help us verify your request.

We will respond to your request within the time period required by applicable law. When we are not able to fully address your request, we will notify you.

Informasi akun AMD dan syarat yang dibutuhkan

  • Nama
  • Gender
  • Tanggal lahir
  • Alamat
  • Email
  • Nomor handphone
  • Tidak ada pelanggaran
  • Alasan penutupan akun AMD

Cara menghapus akun AMD

  1. Buka formulir pengelolaan data AMD dengan browser apapun.
  2. Country pilih Indonesia.
  3. Kemudian Select Request Type jawab dengan Erasure.
  4. Lengkapi sisa informasi yang diperlukan.
  5. Pecahkan kode verifikasi CAPTCHAnya.
  6. Kirimkan permintaan dengan klik tombol Submit.
  7. Tim privasi AMD akan menghubungi anda untuk konfirmasi.
  8. Ikuti instruksinya hingga tuntas.

Nama lain dari AMD

  • AMD
  • AMD Indonesia
  • Advanced Micro Devices

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