
Bagaimana caranya menghapus akun Infobel?

Apa itu Infobel?

Infobel adalah website yang menyediakan database dan informasi untuk perusahaan-perusahaan di seluruh dunia terutama yang bersifat privat.

Alternatif dari Infobel adalah Owler, YellowPages, OpenCorporates, dan Crunchbase.

Apakah akun Infobel bisa dihapus?

Akun Infobel dan data pribadi penggunanya dapat dihapus.

Menurut kebijakan privasi mereka.

What are your rights and how do you exercise them?

You have the following rights:

  • The right to request access to your data, including the right to know if we are processing your data;
  • The right to obtain a copy of the processed data in the format in which we keep it;
  • The right to request the rectification of processed data;
  • The right to object to the processing of your data, in particular for processing based on your consent or on our legitimate interest. Nevertheless, certain exceptions exist within the framework of our public interest mission to ensure the provision of a directory service.
  • The right to limit the processing of your data in the following cases:
    • If you dispute the accuracy of this data, pending the assessment of the interests involved before exercising the right to object to the processing of some of your personal data.
    • If the processing of your personal data is illegitimate, but you nevertheless do not wish to exercise your right to the deletion of the data.
    • If we no longer need your personal data, but you need it in connection with legal proceedings.
  • The right to deletion of processed data. However, this right is not absolute and we will not be able to exercise it if we are under a legal obligation to process your data, if we have a contractual obligation towards you or if our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of third parties prevail.
  • The right to the portability of the processed data, i.e. to retrieve or transfer to a third party designated by you, your personal data processed by us, for your personal use, in the format in which we keep them.

Informasi akun Infobel dan syarat yang dibutuhkan

  • Nama
  • Gender
  • Tanggal lahir
  • Alamat
  • Email
  • Nomor handphone
  • Tidak ada pelanggaran
  • Alasan penutupan akun Infobel

Cara menghapus akun Infobel

  1. Buka formulir pengelolaan data Infobel.
  2. Pada baris You wish to … pilih Delete Your Data.
  3. Kemudian lengkapi seluruh informasi yang diperlukan.
  4. Upload gambar sebagai bukti tambahan.
  5. Klik tombol Send.
  6. Anda akan dihubungi kembali untuk konfirmasi.
  7. Ikuti prosedurnya hingga selesai.

Juga ada fitur untuk pengelolaan data bisnis yang dipublikasikan oleh Infobel lewat web form.

Nama lain dari Infobel

  • Infobel
  • Infobel Indonesia
  • Kapitol

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