
Bagaimana caranya menghapus akun Jagat?

Apa itu Jagat?

Jagat adalah aplikasi pelacak lokasi real-time dari penggunanya yang bisa digunakan untuk mengabarkan posisi terkini ke keluarga, saudara, atau teman.

Fungsinya bisa memantau apakah perjalanan berlangsung sesuai jadwal atau memastikan keamanan penggunanya.

Bagi mantan pemakai Zenly juga bisa melakukan migrasi datanya ke Jagat.

Alternatif dari Jagat adalah Life360, Glympse, Be Closer, GeoZilla, dan iSharing.

Apakah akun Jagat bisa dihapus?

Akun Jagat dan data pribadi penggunanya dapat dihapus.

Menurut kebijakan privasinya berikut ini.

Your Rights
You have the right to access your Personal Data that we hold about you and to correct, update, amend, suppress, delete or otherwise modify any Personal Data where it is inaccurate, or has been processed in violation of the applicable data protection regulations, unless we have to keep the Personal Data for legitimate business or legal purposes. Prior to the fulfilment of your request concerning your Personal Data, we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act upon your request. You may object to the use or processing of your Personal Data or withdraw consent to use your Personal Data at any time.

You have the following rights:

  • The right to require free of charge (i) information whether your Personal Data is retained and (ii) access to and/or (iii) duplicates of the Personal Data retained. However, if the request affects the rights and freedoms of others or is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee (taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested) or refuse to act on the request;
  • The right to request proper rectification, removal or restriction of your Personal Data;
  • Where processing of your Personal Data is either based on your consent or necessary for the performance of a contract with you and processing is carried out by automated means, the right to receive the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to have your Personal Data transmitted directly to another company, where technically feasible (data portability);
  • Where the processing of your Personal Data is based on your consent, the right to withdraw your consent at any time without impact to data processing activities that have taken place before such withdrawal or to any other existing legal justification of the processing activity in question;
  • The right not to be subject to any automatic individual decisions which produce legal effects on you or similarly significantly affects you;
  • The right to take legal actions in relation to any breach of your rights regarding the processing of the Personal Data, as well as to lodge complaints before the competent data protection regulators.

As far as we process your Personal Information on the basis of our legitimate interests (Art. 6(1) lit. f) GDPR), you may object to processing (Art. 21(1) GDPR) at any time. You may find a detailed description of our processing activities and the legal basis in the section before. If you object to such processing, we ask you to state the grounds of you objection in order for us to examine the processing of your personal data and decide whether to adjust the processing accordingly.

Please note that the processing of your personal data may involve direct marketing activities as described above. If you do not want to have your activity on Jagat’s Services processed for direct marketing activities, you can object to any data processing free of charge at any time via e-mail (Art. 21(2) GDPR) (for the other Contact Details see above).

Please send an e-mail to us if you would like to exercise any of your rights (

Informasi akun Jagat dan syarat yang dibutuhkan

  • Nama
  • Gender
  • Tanggal lahir
  • Alamat
  • Email
  • Nomor handphone
  • Tidak ada pelanggaran
  • Alasan penutupan akun Jagat

Cara menghapus akun Jagat

  1. Buat pesan email untuk
  2. Ajukan pembatalan akun dan pemusnahan informasi penggunanya.
  3. Jelaskan apa alasan anda.
  4. Berikan identitas pemilik akun tersebut.
  5. Kirimkan.
  6. Anda akan dikontak balik untuk konfirmasi.
  7. Ikuti arahannya hingga prosesnya selesai.

Nama lain dari Jagat

  • Jagat

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