Apa itu Last Shelter: Survival?
Last Shelter: Survival adalah permainan membangun markas atau kota, dibumbui perang melawan zombie dan pemain lain, juga ada tower defense.
Alternatifnya adalah Clash of Clans, Rise of Kingdoms, The Ants: Underground Kingdom, dan King of Avalon: Dominion.
Apakah akun Last Shelter: Survival bisa dihapus?
Akun Last Shelter: Survival dan data pribadi pengguna dapat dihapus.
Berdasarkan kebijakan privasinya berikut ini.
3)Delete or correct your personal information
We will collect and use your information only to achieve the functions of our products or services, as stated in the Policy. If you find that we collect and use your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations, or agreements between the parties, you may ask us to delete it. If you find that your personal information that we collect and store is incorrect, you can also ask us to correct it. Please contact us through the contact details stated in the Policy.
4)Cancel your personal account
You can cancel your previously registered account at any time. After the account is canceled, we will cease to provide you with products or services and, upon your request, delete your personal information, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.
Informasi akun Last Shelter: Survival dan syarat yang dibutuhkan
- Nama
- Username
- Nomor telepon
- Password
- Nomor server
- Alasan penutupan akun Last Shelter Survival
Cara menghapus akun Last Shelter: Survival
- Kirimkan email ke bagian proses hukum IM30 di alamat legal@im30.net.
- Subjek bisa meniru contoh “Request for Last Shelter: Survival data erasure” atau “Please delete my Last Shelter account”.
- Tulis penjelasan tujuannya dan alasan kenapa ingin membatalkan akun.
- Sertakan informasi mengenai akun yang dimaksud.
- Tambahkan attachment berisi screenshot dari profil pemain dalam gamenya.
- Kirim dan tunggu tanggapannya.
- Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi bahwa permintaan diterima. Untuk memprosesnya perlu verifikasi identitas.
- Ikuti instruksinya sampai tuntas.
Seluruh komunikasi akan memakai bahasa Inggris. Manfaatkan Google atau Microsoft Translator jika kesulitan.
Nama lain dari Last Shelter: Survival
- Last Shelter: Survival
- IM30
- im30.net
- Long Tech Network Limited
Please delete my Last Shelter account”.