
Bagaimana caranya menghapus akun Luxehouze?

Apa itu Luxehouze?

Luxehouze adalah marketplace untuk barang-barang mewah (luxury) seperti tas, sepatu, jam tangan, baju, dan sebagainya. Setiap itemnya sudah diperiksa keasliannya sehingga pelanggan dapat percaya dan aman dalam berbelanja.

Alternatif dari Luxehouze adalah Tinkerlust, KayaOLX, Masari, dan Banananina.

Apakah akun Luxehouze bisa dihapus?

Akun Luxehouze dan data pribadi penggunanya dapat dihapus.

Berdasarkan kebijakan proteksi data mereka.


  1. The consent that you provide for the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data will remain valid until such time it is being withdrawn by you in writing. You may withdraw consent and request us to stop using and/or disclosing your personal data for any or all of the purposes listed above by submitting your request in writing or via email to our Data Protection Officer at the contact details provided below.
  2. Upon receipt of your written request to withdraw your consent, we may require reasonable time (depending on the complexity of the request and its impact on our relationship with you) for your request to be processed and for us to notify you of the consequences of us acceding to the same, including any legal consequences which may affect your rights and liabilities to us. In general, we shall seek to process your request within ten (10) business days of receiving it.
  3. Whilst we respect your decision to withdraw your consent, please note that depending on the nature and scope of your request, we may not be in a position to continue providing our goods or services to you and we shall, in such circumstances, notify you before completing the processing of your request. Should you decide to cancel your withdrawal of consent, please inform us in writing in the manner described in clause 8 above.
  4. Please note that withdrawing consent does not affect our right to continue to collect, use and disclose personal data where such collection, use and disclose without consent is permitted or required under applicable laws.

Informasi akun Luxehouze dan syarat yang dibutuhkan

  • Nama
  • Gender
  • Tanggal lahir
  • Alamat
  • Email
  • Nomor handphone
  • Tidak ada pelanggaran
  • Alasan penutupan akun Luxehouze

Cara menghapus akun Luxehouze

  1. Buat pesan email untuk
  2. Ajukan pembatalan akun dan pemusnahan informasi penggunanya.
  3. Jelaskan apa alasan anda.
  4. Berikan identitas pemilik akun yang dimaksud.
  5. Kirimkan.
  6. Anda akan dikontak balik untuk konfirmasi.
  7. Ikuti arahannya hingga tuntas.

Nama lain dari Luxehouze

  • Luxehouze
  • Luxehouze Indonesia
  • Luxehouze SG Pte. Ltd.

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