
Bagaimana caranya menghapus akun Tellscore?

Apa itu Tellscore?

Tellscore adalah platform kerja sampingan untuk para influencer media sosial yang ingin menghasilkan uang dari postingnya bekerja sama dengan brand sebagai klien.

Alternatif dari Tellscore adalah SociaBuzz, Partipost, TipTip, dan Influence ID

Apakah akun Tellscore bisa dihapus?

Akun Tellscore dan data pribadi penggunanya dapat dihapus.

Menurut kebijakan privasinya.

Duration of data storage

For your benefit, the Company will store your Personal Data, including a history of amendment in the Company’s database until you choose to withdraw your consent or exercise the right to delete your Personal Data. Should you decide to exercise the right to delete your Personal Data, the Personal Data will be destroyed immediately and the Company will not be able to recover the data for any reason.

The right to delete or request to destroy or temporarily suspend use or transform the Personal Data into an anonymous data format.

Unless the Company is obliged to comply with the law for specific reasons or unless the Company collected Personal Data and intends to exercise freedom of expression, you may delete your Personal Data from the Tellscore Platform, copy your data, or request that the Company temporarily suspend the usage of your Personal Data at any time. However, a copy of your data may still be shown in temporary memory, cached and archived pages, or copied or stored by other users on the Tellscore Platform

In case the Company does not comply with this policy or relevant law, you can request the Company to destroy or temporarily suspend or transform the Personal Data into an anonymous data format unless the Company is required to store such Personal Data.

Informasi akun Tellscore dan syarat yang dibutuhkan

  • Nama
  • Gender
  • Tanggal lahir
  • Alamat
  • Email
  • Nomor handphone
  • Tidak ada pelanggaran
  • Alasan penutupan akun Tellscore

Cara menghapus akun Tellscore

  1. Hubungi customer service Tellscore lewat email / atau nomor telepon 0813 8282 6265.
  2. Sampaikan bahwa anda mengajukan pemusnahan akun dan data pengguna.
  3. Berikan alasannya apa.
  4. Lakukan verifikasi identitas pemilik akun.
  5. Jika semuanya valid maka permohonan akan diterima dan segera diproses.

Nama lain dari Tellscore

  • Tellscore
  • Tellscore Indonesia

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